Metal Extrusion VS Plastic Extrusion

September 20, 2022

Metal Extrusion VS Plastic Extrusion

Extrusion is a manufacturing process that creates continuous profiles by pushing heated materials through a die. The process is commonly used in the production of components for various industries, including aerospace, automotive, construction, and consumer products. Metal and plastic extrusion are two of the most common types of extrusion processes used in manufacturing. In this article, we will compare the two technologies and highlight their strengths and weaknesses.

Metal Extrusion

Metal extrusion is a manufacturing process that pushes a metal billet through a die to create a continuous profile. Metal extrusion is used to create products from a variety of metals, including aluminum, copper, and steel. The process is commonly used in the manufacturing of automotive parts, aerospace components, and building materials.

Advantages of Metal Extrusion

  • Provides high strength and durability
  • Allows for tight tolerances and precision
  • A wide range of metals can be extruded
  • Efficient for high volume production

Disadvantages of Metal Extrusion

  • High energy consumption
  • Expensive tooling costs
  • Brittle materials such as cast iron are not suitable for extrusion

Plastic Extrusion

Plastic extrusion is a manufacturing process that creates a continuous profile by pushing molten plastic through a die. The process is commonly used in the production of a wide range of products, including pipes, tubing, and seals. Plastic extrusion is used in the manufacturing of consumer products, medical devices, and construction materials.

Advantages of Plastic Extrusion

  • Low tooling costs
  • Efficient for low to medium volume production
  • Wide range of plastic materials can be extruded
  • Allows for the creation of complex shapes and designs

Disadvantages of Plastic Extrusion

  • Not as strong as metal extrusion profiles
  • Limited in the range of sizes and thicknesses that can be produced
  • Not suitable for high-temperature applications

Metal Extrusion VS Plastic Extrusion

To help you decide which extrusion process is right for your project, we have summarized the main differences between metal and plastic extrusion in the table below.

Criteria Metal Extrusion Plastic Extrusion
Strength High Low
Precision High Low to Medium
Tooling Costs Expensive Low
Volume Production Efficient Efficient for low to medium volumes
Temperature Resistance High Low


Both metal and plastic extrusion processes have their advantages and disadvantages and are suitable for different manufacturing applications. Metal extrusion is preferable when strength, precision, and volume production is required. On the other hand, plastic extrusion is ideal for creating complex shapes, designs, and lower volume production runs. Ultimately, the choice between metal and plastic extrusion will depend on your specific project requirements.


The Extrusion Process: A Complete Guide to Plastic and Metal Extrusion
The Definitive Guide to Extrusion - Metal China
Plastic Extrusion: All You Need to Know

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